2021年10月24日 星期日







来自謙牧(述而不作,信而好古组长 2021-01-14 23:24:42


目前通行的金圣叹批注版《推背图》,于民国初年出版流通于世,关于其来源,目前市面上常见的有三种版本。 一是民国四年(1945)清溪散人编著《中国预言七种》,又名《中国二千年前之预言》,进步书局出版; 二是民国廿七年(1938)华夏哲理阐微社出版《中国二千年之预言》(即此版本); 三是民国三十六年(1947)朱肖琴补注、广益书局出版之《中国预言八种》。 三个版本内容一致。




一是曼根氏英文跋语,并附有中文译文: In 1859,when the allied English and French troops burnt the Yuan Ming Yuan in Peking, one of the soldiers discovered a box of manuscripts in Chinese which had been carefully preserved by the imperial family. Seeing that they contain pictures the soldier presented them to Miss Lipia from whom I secured the same. In translating them I found they represented the predictions of a Chinese prophet with reference to the rise, the fall, the tranquility, and the turbulence of china. Everything was very plainly written. The emperors of the past dynasties prohibited their publication for their publication for they might disturb the minds of the people and led to bad consequences. It is indeed our good fortune that they had come into our country and that we may study them. These lines are written as an introduction. Macon (1867) 译曼根氏跋语:当一千八百五十九年,英法联军火圆明园,某军人得书一簏,皆大内珍藏本。以此书中有图画,举赠利比亚女士。余从女士乞得之,翻译一过,知为中国先哲之预言。兴亡治乱,微言示意,靡不明如烛照。历代君主恶其淆惑民心,觊觎非分,故止刊刻。兹何幸而流传我国,得饫眼福,因跋数语于后。一千八百六十七年曼根氏识。


二是苕溪李中的识语,讲述了《推背图》何以落入圆明园之中: 余得此书后,曾介友人持以质张文襄(即张之洞)。文襄云,此的是圣叹手批本。哭庙案发,金与诸人同遭籍没,当时抚幕为山阴陈季一,得此秘之,后嗣凌夷。书为山右郑氏所得。至乾隆时下征书之令,郑氏上之,遂入大内。文襄非诳人者,当非赝本可知。今辗转而入于余手,幸何如之。


三是清溪散人的识语,讲述了《推背图》是如何从曼根氏手上到李中手上刊印的: 苕溪李公是君述,其尊人信卿先生商于伦敦,时与彼中人士往来素稔。一日,于其友某英人处得观此书,惊为我国秘本。详询颠末,知于圆明园灾后遗失者。此友人即曼根氏之孙,因以大珠十二易之。清禁特严,秘诸箧笥。兹届民国时代,例无忌讳,李君承其先志,嘱为刊行,以公诸世。一以矫正坊刻之多讹,一以警劝国民于将来,庶不负先哲指示之心云。










 曼根氏英文跋语译文 、苕溪李中的识语









In 1859, when the allied English and French troops burnt the Yuan Ming Yuan in Peking, one of the soldier discovered a box of manuscript in Chinese which had been carefully preserved by the imperial family. Seeing that they contain pictures the soldier presented them to Miss Lypia from whom I secured the same.


In translating them I found that they represented the predictions of a Chinese prophet with reference to the rise, the fall, the tranquility, and the turbulence of China. Everything was very plainly written. The emperors of the past dynasties prohibited their publication for they might disturb the minds of the people and lead to bad consequences.


It is indeed our good fortune that they had come into our country and that we may study them. These lines are written as an introduction.


Macon 1867




此書名為《中國預言七種》,pdf file在維基百科及維墓文庫均有刊出。《中國預言七種》包含:《乾坤萬年歌》、《梅花詩》、《馬前課》、《燒餅歌》、《推背圖》、《黃檗禪師詩》、《藏頭詩》。





